Say goodbye to normal!
NO more boring
pitch events
Investor-focused live pitch events with a wild twist.
Founders pitch an impromptu bad business idea and then their real business venture.
You may have seen the brand popping up.
this real?
As seen on CNBC and featured in countless publications
See it for yourself!
live events
These are not live-streaming events. Get your ticket for your city today!
What happens at the events
Up-and-coming founders pitch their seed round, but it comes with a twist.


Picking a Bad Business Idea
Each founder presenting will pick a ridiculous business idea. They could get ideas like pigeon messaging or a flat-earth cruise line.
We won't know until they open up that mystery box on stage!


QUICK! Prep the Pitch Deck
These founders will only have 15 minutes to prepare the presentations!


Pitch within 5mins!
They'll need to convince the crowd that this insanely bad business idea could work. Time's ticking with only 5 minutes to pitch the plan!


Have a Laugh!
The audience laughs while seeing how these founders communicate, out from behind their real business, handle adaptability, and more.
Can they handle the pressure?!


Back to Business
Jokes aside, these founders will then pitch their REAL business. Investors will see a different side to the team and company they might be investing with.


Hustle Time
Open floor networking among entrepreneurs and investors. Make the most of the time and share which bad idea could've worked.
Get a taste of who’s been on stage.
See the founders from all over the nation as they pitch both the bad and their real business.
bryant solomon
💩 emotional support funiture
📍 salt lake city, utah
CEO raising capital?
Be the ONE lucky founder/CEO to be pulled from the audience! It’s fantastically easy.

This means you’ll be pitching an impromptu bad business idea, too!

focus on the brand and the rest follows
event Stats
Approximately 150+ investors (VCs, angels, HNIs, PEs, family offices, accelerators, etc.) and Founders (pre- and seed-stage) per event.
Most CEOs in attendance are running Al, SaaS, and FinTech companies, but not limited to.