Pitch event for CEO and Investors



Tossing a few up-and-coming CEOs on stage to pitch their Seed round, but it comes with a huge twist! Pitching more than just their real business... they'll pitch a FAKE business idea, too!


Picking a Bad Business Idea

Each CEO presenting will pick a ridiculous business idea. They could get ideas like pigeon messaging or a flat earth cruise line. We won't know until they open up that mystery box!


QUICK! Prep the Pitch Deck

These CEOs will only have 15 minutes to prepare the presentations!


Pitch within 5mins!

They'll need to convince the crowd that this insanely bad business idea could work. Time's ticking with only 5 minutes to pitch the plan!


Have a Laugh!

The audience gets a good laugh while seeing how these CEOs communicate, out from behind their real business, handle adaptability, and more. Can they handle the pressure?!


Back to Business

Jokes aside, these CEOs will then pitch their REAL business. Investors will see a different side to the team and company they might be investing with.


Hustle Time

Open floor networking among entrepreneurs and investors. Make the most of the time and share which bad idea could've worked.

past ceo examples


Spencer Bardsley (CEO of Shared Vision) was given the challenge of ‘Inflatable Arm Muscles’. A solution we didn’t think we needed in our lives. Spencer had investors wondering about the many use cases.


Previously on ShitPitch, Morgan Williams (CEO of Blendyd) presented her bad business idea on Corporate Jargon Translators! A horrible idea that she turned into something worth listening to.

Reverse Supplements

Brad Moss (CEO of enhanced.ai) was amazing! He didn’t just wow us all with his bad business pitch but leveraged enhanced.ai to create it! Using his real solution to create something in 15minutes with AI!

Are you Next?

Get involved as a CEO by simply checking out the upcoming dates in your area. RSVP and check the box that you’d like the chance to be called up on stage!


CEO raising capital?

Be the ONE lucky founder/CEO to be pulled from the audience!  It’s fantastically easy. 

This means you’ll be pitching an impromptu bad business idea, too!

Audience pulling

Ready for them FAQs?

Yes! You’ll also have to pitch a bad business idea which is given to you at the event! Game on? I thought so. Simply, click on the upcoming events section to find the event you’d like to be involved in.  Select to be an audience participant. If you aren’t selected at that event, then you’ll be the first on the review list for the subsequent event in your area.

A little bit of everything. Ranging from 10 to 15 investors. VC, Angels, Funds, etc. Most are targeting early-stage to seed with a focus on AI, Tech, SaaS, FinTech, and more. Investors are never the same, just like the CEOs that attend, making each event full of new people to connect with.

Plenty of time after the pitching event to network with CEOs and Investors. That being said, the networking comes with a BIG ask. Please be aware that investor’s time is precious and 99.9999999% of the time they won’t close a deal on the spot. My suggestion for CEOs wanting to connect with investors? Make a short and fun interaction, shit talk about which pitch they thought was the most entertaining! Don’t rush a good relationship. 

Get up on stage and be unique with your story by pitching us a bad idea! Let’s see how human a sponsor can actually be. Reach out to info@shitpitch.co to chat.

If you have a city you’d recommend Shit Pitch make an appearance at, please reach out to info@shitpitch.co and let’s figure it out! We have 2025 looking like a great national reach.

We cap the attendance to 100 seed-stage CEOs per event. The idea is to keep the room as fresh as fresh can be, so it’s a first come first serve RSVP. CEOs of pre-seed are welcome!

Yes! You’ll also have to pitch a bad business idea which is given to you at the time of the event! Game on? I thought so. Go ahead and email us at info@shitpitch.co to make sure the event you’re interested in would be a good fit before booking your travel arrangements. Be sure to look at the states and dates that are planned in the upcoming events section (FL, UT, WA, MO, TX, IL, etc.)

Been there and done that. Seen it firsthand as the CEO of a startup. Stepping into an event, only to get stopped by countless service providers. The intent is to limit the service providers in the room by having a select few come as sponsors. Although this isn’t perfect, be kind to them, not all are out solely to get your wallet. 

Solid! First, some housekeeping, keep it clean. Second, bring it on! Submit your idea below:

